Template match

Tries to match handlers by deconstructing a type if it's deconstructable, and calling the appropriate handler for the deconstructed value. If it's not a deconstructible type then it just tries a first match

template match(handlers...) ;

The currently supported deconstructible types are:

  • Optional types
  • Expect types
  • Try types

    You may not handle destructible types and non destructible types in the same list of handlers. See example for usage details

  • Contained Functions

    match Expect match: Pass two lambdas to the match function. The first one handles the expected case and the second one handles the unexpected case.
    match Try match: Pass two lambdas to the match function. The first one handles the success case and the second one handles the failure case. Calling match will execute the try function if it has not already done so
    match Optional match: Pass two lambdas to the match function. The first one handles the some case and the second one handles the none case.
    match Non-deconstructible type match: Pass n lambdas as handlers and the first one that matches the value type will be called.


    handlers lambdas to the type handlers.


    - 0.12.0


    import ddash.utils: Try, some, Expect, Unexpected;
    const a = Try!(() => 3).match!(
        (int) => true,
        (Exception) => false,
    const b = Expect!(int, int)(3).match!(
        (int) => true,
        (Unexpected!int) => false,
    const c = some(3).match!(
        (int) => true,
        () => false,