Module bolts
Contains a number of static reflection utilties that query compile time entities (traits) or transform
them (meta). General utilties are in the modules traits
and meta
and most specific ones are in
dedicated modules (i.e. bolts
provides utilities over a type's members).
Most functions here operate on any compile time entity. For example isUnaryOver
works in both these situatons:
int i;
void f(int) {}
isFunctionOver!(f, int);
isFunctionOver!(f, 3);
isFunctionOver!(f, i);
Iz Super Template
The iz
super template. Has a lot of the traits on types encapulated in one place. So
if there's a trait that tells you something about a compile time entity, chances are iz
will have it. E.g:
void f(int, float, string) {}
iz!f .unaryOver!(int, float, string);
iz!f .unaryOver!(3, float, "");
Member Super Template
The member
super template, found in the bolts
module is similar to
the iz
template but works on members of types only:
import bolts .members: member;
struct S {
static void f() {}
assert(member!(S, "f") .exists);
assert(member!(S, "f") .protection == ProtectionLevel .public_);
assert(!member!(S, "f") .isProperty);
Signatures are a way to enforce types to comply with other types. For example if you are making a range you can ensure your types conform to a range by mixing in a Models
template to the type that needs it. You can also use the utilities provided here to constrain functions to types that adhere to a specific signature.
interface InputRange(T) {
@property bool empty();
@property T front();
@ignoreAttributes void popFront();
struct MyRange {
mixin Models!(InputRange!int);
The above will fail to compile with something like:
source/bolts/experimental/signatures .d(310,5): Error: static assert: "Type MyRange does not comply to signature InputRange!(int)
Missing identifier empty of type bool.
Missing identifier front of type int.
Missing identifier popFront of function void().
source/bolts/experimental/signatures.d(464): <-- Signature InputRange!(int) defined here.
source/bolts/experimental/signatures.d(471): <-- Checked here."
It is sometimes necessary to create a function which is an exact copy of another function. Or sometimes it is necessary to introduce a few variations, while carrying all the other aspects. Because of function attributes, parameter storage classes and user-defined attributes, this requires building a string mixin. In addition, the mixed-in code must refer only to local names, if it is to work across module boundaires. This module facilitates the creation of such mixins.
For example, this creates a function that has a different name and return type, but retains the 'pure' attribute from the original function:
pure int answer() { return 42; }
refract!(answer, "answer") .withName("realAnswer")
static assert(is(typeof(realAnswer()) == real));
static assert(functionAttributes!realAnswer & FunctionAttribute .pure_);
All the things
Module | Function | Description |
bolts |
from |
lazy import of symbols |
bolts |
memberFunctionsOf |
Returns a list of all member functions |
staticMembersOf |
Returns a list of of all static members | |
member |
If a type has a member with certain attributes | |
Flatten |
Takes a list of ranges and non ranges and returns a list of types of the ranges and types of the non ranges | |
AliasPack |
Represents an AliasSeq that is not auto expanded | |
Zip |
Zip m n-tuple AliasPack s together to form n m-tuple AliasPacks |
Pluck |
Extract AliasPack elements at positions |
FilterMembersOf |
Filters the members of a type based on a has-predicate | |
RemoveAttributes |
Removes all the attributes of a symbol and returns the new type | |
bolts |
isSortedRange |
Tells you if a range is sorted |
sortingPredicate |
Can be used to extract the sorting predicate for a range | |
CommonTypeOfRanges |
Finds the common type from a list of ranges | |
bolts |
iz |
Allows you to query a type or alias with a nicer syntax, i.e. isNullSettable!T == iz!T |
bolts |
isModelOf |
Allows you to check if a structure models another structure - i.e. enforces duck typing |
Models |
Mixin that throws a compile error if a structure does not match another | |
bolts |
refract |
Returns a compile time object that helps create a string mixin corresponding to a function, possibly with variations |
bolts |
isFunctionOver |
Checks if a function is n-ary over the passed in types |
isUnaryOver |
Checks if a function is unary over some type | |
isBinaryOver |
Checks if a function is binary over some types | |
TypesOf |
Returns an AliasSeq of the types of all values given - values can be types or expressions | |
areCombinable |
Checks if a set of ranges and non ranges share a common type | |
isProperty |
Tells you if a symbol is an @property | |
hasProperty |
Tells you if a name is a member and property in a type | |
propertySemantics |
Tells you if a property symbol has read and/or write semantics | |
protectionLevel |
Returns the protection level for a symbol | |
isManifestAssignable |
If a member of a type can be assigned to a manifest constant | |
isOf |
Is the resolved type is of another resolved type | |
isNullType |
If T is typeof(null) | |
StringOf |
Stringifies a type, unlike this version doesn't spit out mangled gibberish |
isSame |
Returns true if a and b are the same thing - same type, same literal value, or same symbol | |
isRefType |
Checks if a compile time entity is a reference type | |
isLiteralOf |
Checks if a compile time entity is a litera of a specific type | |
isLiteral |
Checks if a compile time entity is a literal | |
isCopyConstructable |
Checks if a compile time entity is copy constructable | |
isNonTriviallyCopyConstructable |
Checks if a compile time entity is non-trivially (i.e. user defined) copy constructable | |
isTriviallyCopyConstructable |
Checks if a compile time entity is trivially copy constructable | |
hasFunctionMember |
Checks if a type has a member that is a function | |
isValueType |
Checks if a compile time entity is a value type | |
areEquatable |
Returns true if two things are equatable | |
isNullSettable |
Check if a thing can be set to null | |
isNullTestable |
Check if a thing can be checked to be null - i.e. if (thing is null) | |
isRefDecl |
See if a thing is declared as ref, or function returns by ref |